Lymphatic Drainage For Mouth-Throat Cancers.
This is an important chapter in my treatment of my throat cancer as it had a two-fold effect;1, it would release the pressure I was experiencing on both sides of my nasal area (refer to the diagram below)2. A relaxation therapy I desperately needed halfway through my treatment.
My wife Susie being a Remedial Massage Therapist and my primary carer saw firsthand the effects that the radiation therapy was having on me as all treatment was in the head areas of the lower face and neck areas. I had swelling in the areas marked in yellow and felt like my face was a balloon. (It wasn't but theoretically, that's what the swelling felt like). as you can imagine it was extremely uncomfortable to bear(like extreme sinusitis). There were only low levels of pain in my face it was the "fullness" that was irritating and intense. I also had my nasogastric feedline in my nose as well so there was a lot happening in that area of my face. Episode 11.
Susie studied a technique called a Lymphatic drainage massage which drained the lymph nodes/vessels and removed the buildup into the natural drainage system of the face and neck. ie. massaging the facial muscles into action allowing fluids to naturally move freely away from the areas of congestion . By doing this it starts its journey to being expelled from the body.
I will be posting a video of Susie doing a Lymphatic drainage massage on my face soon .
The therapist stands behind the patient and with both hands gently almost like a feathers touch the areas affected in my case the facial sinus areas and the right side of the throat massaging the areas in the direction of its natural flow as per the diagram. As the ear nose and throat are connected I did find my jaw area also suffered from this.
In effect the principle is to massage your natural muscles into action as they too have endured the radiation treatment. The relief you feel is soon evident and the relaxation is a great distraction from dealing with the cancer treatment side effects.
I wasn't informed of this procedure and I don't know if it is common knowledge but please check your local area for a Remedial Massage Therapist who practices Lymphatic Drainage as like all things cancer-related ANY HELP is a great HELP !
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Welcome, I hope my blog helps in some way to cope with cancer.I am a survivor remember; One Day at a Time;
Phil on a Mission